Robin Williams

Arts & Entertainment

Remembering Robin Williams, One Year Later

Tuesday marks one year since the world got a little darker. On August 11, 2014, beloved comedian Robin Williams committed suicide by hanging himself inside […]

Arts & Entertainment

Good Will Hunting-Themed Scavenger Hunt to Take Place in Southie

Get ready, Boston movie enthusiasts. The first annual Southie Scavenger Hunt is happening next month, and the event’s inaugural theme is extremely fitting: Good Will Hunting. Supported by the […]

City Life

People Are Petitioning for a Bronze Statue of Robin Williams

Since news broke Monday that actor and comedian Robin Williams passed away due to an apparent suicide, people have been flocking to the small wooden […]

Arts & Entertainment

A Conversation with Robin Williams

The life of comedic legend Robin Williams will undoubtedly be memorialized hundreds of thousands of times this week as the world contemplates the tragedy of his […]

City Life

Boston Remembers Robin Williams

“Bangarang.” “You ain’t never had a friend like me.” “It’s not your fault.” These were just some of the notes and messages based on famous […]

Arts & Entertainment

Good Will Hunting: An Oral History

Fifteen years after the release of the movie that made them stars, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck—along with the rest of the cast and crew—reflect in their own words on how a long-shot film by two unknowns became one of Hollywood’s biggest success stories.