Sandy Edgerley

City Life

Live from the Sneaker Gala, with Ed Markey and a Human Disco Ball

Boston’s heavy hitters were all at Big Night Live for what’s become affectionately known as “The Sneaker Gala,” despite the official (and somewhat unwieldy) name […]

City Life

The Interview: The ‘Quin House Cofounder Sandy Edgerley

Sandy Edgerley used to spend a lot of time at Clarendon Street Playground in the Back Bay, making connections with other moms as she watched […]

Life & Style

A Top-Flight Ring, Plus Four More of Sandy Edgerley’s Favorite Things

1. The Jewelry “Sharon Roop, who owns GemBox, always has the most beautiful pieces, like this ring. I would certainly wear it to the ’Quin […]

City Life

Power List Q&A: The Boston Foundation Chair Sandy Edgerley

Shaping the thinking of every policymaker in the region from her perch as chair of this influential charitable foundation, Edgerley is in charge of the […]