Scott Brown

City Life

Five Reasons Scott Brown Will Run for President

It’s so crazy it just might work.

City Life

Scott Brown Moved to New Hampshire for ‘Stictly Personal’ Reasons

Scott Brown, the once (and future?) Senator, issued a release confirming that he’s leaving the Bay State in his truck’s rearview mirror. He sold his […]

City Life

Scott Brown Has Never Liked a Carpetbagger

The first step to running for Senate in a state is to seem like a convincing citizen of that state, a fact that Scott Brown—who […]

City Life

Scott Brown Would Have Massachusetts Baggage in a New Hampshire Race

Scott Brown has been publicly musing about his run for New Hampshire Senate for a while now, and amid all the will-he-won’t-he considerations, The New […]

City Life

Scott Brown Agrees with Elizabeth Warren

Reacting to yesterday’s stunning revelation that Elizabeth Warren is still not running for President, Scott Brown expressed a rare moment of approval for his former […]

City Life

National Republicans Want Scott Brown to Run in New Hampshire

Your daily dose of tea-leaf reading in the will-they-won’t-they relationship that is Scott Brown and a New Hampshire Senate seat comes courtesy of the National […]

City Life

Scott Brown, Stay in Japan for the Red Sox

We noted last week that Scott Brown made a trip to Japan to cheer on Boston’s sports teams from the land of tomorrow. From various historic […]

City Life

Scott Brown Is Still Following Boston Sports from Japan

Apropos of nothing, we thought we’d inform you that Scott Brown has not tuned out Boston’s remarkable sports week, though he’s been following it very […]

City Life

Scott Brown Is Selling His Wrentham House

Scott Brown is selling the home in Wrentham where he raised a family, launched a political career, and forged an everyman image for his successful […]

City Life

Scott Brown Played ‘Surrender’ with Cheap Trick

So what’s old Scott Brown up to now that he’s safely out of the governor’s race? Well, mostly he’s exploring his presidential ambitions and expressing […]

City Life

Scott Brown Adds Governor to the List of Things for Which He Won’t Run

Cementing his new career as a public ponderer of potential campaigns, former Senator Scott Brown said Wednesday that he wouldn’t run for governor of Massachusetts. […]

City Life

Report: Scott Brown’s Brother Was Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

Out of Old Lyme, Connecticut comes the very odd story of former Senator Scott Brown’s half brother, Bruce W. Browne, who was reportedly arrested last night […]

City Life

Gabriel Gomez Is Not the Next Scott Brown

It was the first question to came to mind when many heard the news that political upstart Gabriel Gomez won the Republican Senate primary: Is […]

City Life

What Do Republicans Think of Scott Brown’s New Hampshire Dreams?

Scott Brown created a flurry in the political media when he refused to rule out running for Senate in New Hampshire, a state where he was […]

City Life

Scott Brown Does His Best Bill O’Reilly Impression

Former Senator Scott Brown took a turn hosting “The O’Reilly Factor” while Papa Bear Bill O’Reilly took vacation Monday night, and if you closed your […]