Scott Brown

City Life

Scott Brown Changes His Mind on an Assault Weapon Ban

Senator Scott Brown reversed his position on a federal assault weapons ban today in the wake of the shooting at a Newtown, Conn. elementary school […]

Arts & Entertainment

Ayla Brown's New Movie Trailer Is Really Something

We're sure you weren't too worried about the post-election fate of Ayla Brown, the American Idol chanteuse and daughter of Sen. Scott Brown, but in […]

City Life

Elizabeth Warren: Lady in Red

Elizabeth Warren photo by mdfriendofhillary on Flickr It turns out it cost newly elected Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren more than $42 million to defeat incumbent Scott […]

City Life

Debt Expert Elizabeth Warren's Campaign Is In Debt

Senator Elect Elizabeth Warren sent an email to supporters making a bashful admission that her campaign is in debt, despite raising $42 million in one […]

City Life

Wait a Second, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown?

With the Washington Post‘s report that President Obama is considering nominating Sen. John Kerry to be his next secretary of defense, Massachusetts politicos at last […]

City Life

The State GOP Better Hope the National Party Gets It Together

Screenshot of a John Tierney ad via YouTube Though Massachusetts Republicans took pains to differentiate themselves from national Republicans during the 2012 campaign, the state and national […]

City Life

Election 2012 Live Updates: Obama and Warren Are Winners

Perhaps you heard that there is an election today. As the votes get counted, we’ll update our nifty table down below and even further down, […]

City Life

Both Sides Think They're Winning

We noticed a nice snapshot recently that demonstrated the way both sides of the political spectrum have talked as if there is no debate that […]

City Life

TV Pundit: Scott Brown's Campaign Destroyed by Coloring Books

  Without a fourth debate to guide them, undecided voters are left with only a few things to help them decide between Elizabeth Warren and […]

City Life

Why Scott Brown Doesn't Want a Debate

After Elizabeth Warren said she’d be available to participate in a rescheduled fourth debate on Thursday night, Scott Brown said he wasn’t sure he could […]

City Life

How to Spin the Cancelled Brown-Warren Debate

In the heat of the storm Monday afternoon, Sen. Scott Brown announced he would not participate in a debate scheduled for Tuesday night because it […]

City Life

Hurricane Sandy Is A Real Election Buzzkill

If you’re tired of hearing “… and I approved this message,” then Hurricane Sandy has a small, small silver lining – it’s putting next week’s […]

Arts & Entertainment

10 Boston-Inspired Halloween Costume Ideas

Photo via Bain Capital Mitt Romney and his money There are sure to be plenty of Mitt Romneys and Barack Obamas roaming around on Halloween […]

City Life

Both Brown and Warren Set Some Fundraising PRs

Both Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren announced that they’d set personal fundraising records during the third quarter this year, but Warren raised several million more […]

City Life

Super PACs Would Have a Blast with Brown's Afghanistan Service

A Globe story’s critique of the way Scott Brown portrays his two week stint in Afghanistan with the National Guard is probably a good occasion for Brown […]