Shop Talk

City Life

Glossier Boston Has Arrived in the Back Bay

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a drawer full of makeup that’s seen better days. (I might have even been called a “hoarder” […]

Life & Style

Kent Stetson’s Conversational Clutches

From rural New Hampshire to the runways of New York City and stores across the world, Kent Stetson has come a long way with a […]


Introducing Boston’s Most Affordably Hip Shades

What do you do when you need a pair of statement sunglasses but don’t feel like blowing your budget? If you’re anything like 29-year-old Bostonian […]

City Life

Alexander McQueen Comes to Boston

Enormous shoulder pads. Spikes and skulls. Bluntly stated asymmetrical cuts. No, I’m not talking about Lady Gaga’s next Fenway Park concert. I’m talking about the […]

City Life

Bogosplit Brings Indie Fashion and QR Codes to… Copley Place?

When I met siblings Kenelly Cineus and Keyla Williams and BFF Adriano Pinto at their recently opened Bogosplit outpost in Copley Place, I immediately appreciated […]