Whitey Bulger

City Life

Family Members of Bulger Victims Upset They Weren’t Invited to Documentary Premiere

Family members of victims murdered at the hands of Whitey Bulger are upset that they weren’t extended a special invitation to the premiere of a […]

Arts & Entertainment

Q&A: Director Joe Berlinger Talks About His New Whitey Bulger Documentary

It took a lot of coordination in a short amount of time, but director Joe Berlinger was able to expedite the creation of his latest […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger Went to Brooklyn

Whitey Bulger won’t be spending Thanksgiving in the land of the cranberry bogs and Pilgrims. He was transferred from his Plymouth jail cell to a […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger, Ever the Dollar Store Shopper

When FBI Special Agent Scott Garriola searched the Santa Monica apartment where Whitey Bulger eluded authorities for years, he found a shelf of 64-oz bottles […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger’s Lawyers Formally Appealed His Conviction

Here comes the Whitey Bulger appeal his lawyers promised. Attorneys  J.W. Carney Jr. and Hank Brennan filed a one-sentence notice of appeal in federal court Wednesday, […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger Gets Two Life Sentences, Plus Five Years

After an emotional day of statements from the family members of victims Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge Denise Casper brought the prolonged legal story of Whitey […]

City Life

Victims’ Families Couldn’t Get Whitey Bulger to Look at Them During Sentencing

The Whitey Bulger sentencing is more symbolic than it is functionally purposeful. Since his capture, and especially since his guilty verdict, it has been assumed […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger Still Irked at Everyone in Jailhouse Letters

Whitey Bulger will have to stare down some of the family members of his alleged victims at his sentencing hearing in November, and new letters […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger Not Connected to the Murder of a Witness

It’s a day of endings in the trial of Whitey Bulger, and today we got a conclusion in one of the larger outstanding mysteries: the […]

City Life

Everyone’s Still Wondering Whether Whitey Will Testify

One day into Whitey Bulger’s defense and we still have no answer to the most pressing question on reporters’ minds: Will Bulger testify? The origins […]

City Life

Should Howie Carr Have Helped a Killer Profit Off His Crimes?

Among the most incredible aspects of Johnny Martarano’s testimony in the trial of Whitey Bulger is that an admitted murderer of 20 people managed not […]

City Life

So Much for Geezer Gangsters

(Photo by Citizensheep on Flickr.) Remember when organized crime was cool or at least exciting? No? Well, you’re not the only one. If we examine […]

City Life

Whitey Bulger's Casting Call

The Boston Globe‘s gripping play-by-play of the arrest of Whitey Bulger in this Sunday’s paper had all the elements of a Hollywood crime thriller: an […]

City Life

The Martyrdom of John Connolly

Corrupt FBI agent John Connolly earned infamy—and a 10-year jail sentence—for aiding über-gangster Whitey Bulger. But in his upcoming murder trial, the real bad guys will be the ones given sweetheart deals to present their shaky testimony against him. (The prosecutors are no angels, either.) The case against the case against a man the Justice Department seems set on punishing for others’ sins.