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Vote for Your Favorite New England Travel Destinations Now!
For Boston's first ever New England Travel Awards, we’re asking you to nominate your favorite hotels and attractions across the region.
Photo by Thomas H. Mitchell via Getty Images / 500px
Bostonians, we know you love to travel, so this awards program was made for you. For the first time ever, Boston magazine is excited to present the New England Travel Awards, which will honor and celebrate the top hotels, attractions, and travel destinations in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Connecticut.
So how will this work? To kick things off, we’re asking you to nominate your favorite places to visit in a variety of categories.
You can vote two ways:
- By filling out the form below, or
- By using the hashtag #NETravelAwards on Instagram or X, along with the categories and your picks.
The nomination period will last until July 12, after which time we’ll convene a panel of local travel experts to review the submissions and select the winners. All decisions made by the panel are final.
Our picks will be unveiled in the October 2024 issue of Boston magazine and on bostonmagazine.com. (Winners will be regional, not divided by state — in other words, there’s a single winner for each category.)
Ready to get started? Tell us your favorites in the form below — you can fill out as many or as few categories as you like. So go ahead and let us know your favorite spots to visit — we can’t wait to hear from you.
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